Dec 12, 20182 min readIt's Not Suppose To Be This Way finding unexpected strength when disappointments leave you shatteredby Lysa Terkeurst Cari's take away from chapters 2 and 3 - Chapter 2: Dust - Dust is the exact ingredient God loves to use - But what if...
Dec 8, 20182 min readIt's Not Suppose To Be This Way finding unexpected strength when disappointment leave you shattered by Lysa Terkeurst I've started reading this amazing book and I'm starting a small group study in January as well as participating in an...
Nov 11, 20183 min readit's okay NOT TO BE OKAY by Sheila Walsh, chapters four - six. Cari's highlights from chapter four: - Fear can serve to protect us, but it can also paralyze us and keep us from being who we were...
Oct 25, 20182 min readit's okay NOT TO BE OKAY by Shelia Walsh I love to read and I love to share what I read with people around me. A dear friend of mine and I do monthly studies and this time around...