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it's okay NOT TO BE OKAY by Sheila Walsh, chapters four - six.

Cari's highlights from chapter four:

- Fear can serve to protect us, but it can also paralyze us and keep us from being who we were created to be.

- Just be present, you don't have to be perfect ! This allows us to show up and then allows God to do what only he can do.


- This verse talks about strong faith accomplishing the impossible, because the women of faith is drawing from the One true source. It's God that does the moving, we just have to have the tiny faith, belief which brings God into our reach. When we step out in faith no matter how big or small, God can take us to amazing places ! This faith says I trust you God and surrender my control over situation and I trust your results will be far better then mine.

- When we truly trust in God, he will show up in ways we could never imagine ! This trust allows us to come to the end of ourselves so God can full come to us. Elijah is a great examples of someone coming to the end of themselves to allow God to fully move !

- God is moving even when we can't see him and He's in control even when things seem our of control.


Fall on your face before Him

Earnestly seek Him

Ask Him to give you is peace

Rest in Him

Cari's highlights from chapter five:

- Where do you go when life seems out of control and God seems oblivious to your pain ? This is the million dollar question … This is when you need to press in allow God's word to speak directly to these lonely, confusing places and times.

- BUT GOD, these are two of the best words you will read in the bible. When we read, BUT GOD, it reminds us that he always shows up and always has something for us. I don't even think you can count how many times it days BUT GOD in the bible.

- No one can else can mess up God's plan for you life.

- There are moments in life when we can not control what's happening. In these moments we must find shelter in God. We lust let go of what we cant control and TRUST God. He is always in control, He is always with us and He will always bring good ! We must remember he didn't say all things were good or that all things feel god. He promised to bring good, even in the most painful circumstance.

- Fix our eyes not on what we see but on God's promise. Perception is everything, are you focused on self perception or God perception …. "but wholly lean on Jesus name"

When somethings drag on for a long time we just want it to be over so we try and fix it ourselves. It didn't work for Joseph and it wont work for you ! You can run around and try to put out every little fire, or you can fall on Me and when the time is right, I will deliver you ! Remember to be still and know that I am GOD.

Cari's highlights from chapter six:

- Verses like this are easy to quote when the sun is shining but can you quote and believe it when darkness is overtaking ?

- Did you know you were never suppose to " be enough." We are suppose to bring our not enough to Jesus so he can be our enough. He can bless our not enough, break our not enough and feed others with our not enough. Let go of wanting to be enough, only Jesus is enough !

- Great quote from Charles Spurgeon, " And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart." We must learn to love always. Love with our hearts even when they are broken, love with our soul even when we wrestle with humanity. Love with our strength even when it's almost gone and love with our mind even when we don't understand.

- Can you be someone who doesn't react, but rather responses ? Can you be someone who remembers who they are in Christ so others can see who they are in Christ ? Can we be someone who can endure, endure with Christ our character grows, our confidence grows our hope grows ?

- The thing that will keep us strong and moving forward is knowing that Jesus is with us and for us ! Offer what you have to Jesus today. Remember that he will receive you right were you are !

Be blessed on this beautiful fall day. Remember to thank God for something today !



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