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It's Not Suppose To Be This Way finding unexpected strength when disappointments leave you shattered

by Lysa Terkeurst

Cari's take away from chapters 2 and 3 -

Chapter 2: Dust

- Dust is the exact ingredient God loves to use

- But what if the shattering is the only way to get dust back to its basic form so something new can be made ….

- All of the things God could of used to make man and he chose dust !

-Jesus used dust from the ground to restore a man's sight.

- We are the clay and you are the potter … Isaiah 64:8

- I am making all things new … Revelation 21:5

- Trust God's timing ! No matter how hard we try we can not control anything, we can only trust

- He still has a good plan. A plan to make something out of the dust ! - We must surrender to the realization we cannot fix things on our own. We must allow the potter to make glorious things out of our dust !

- If I want His promises, I have to trust His process !

- Dust is what I have in front of me but a glorious remaking is what's in front of me.

Chapter 3: But How do I Get Through the Next 86,400 Seconds

- So, how can a perfect God seemingly stay silent at times ?

- Sometimes it's the pain that we must feel that allows God to save our lives.

- It takes all of God's holy restraint not to step in and take our pain. He knows things we cannot see. His mercy is too great, His love to deep.

- The more we become like Him, the more we learn to trust God, no matter what our human eyes can see.

- Not what I will, but what you will … Mark 14:36

- Your life might be dark today. But make no mistake, there is a powerful work happening ! o much to answer my prayers at any other time than the right time and in any other way than the right way. in the quietness of all that doesn't fell right, this truth does !

- Fix your thoughts on Jesus ! Stop fixating on the circumstances ragging around


- Your life might be dark today. But make no mistake, there is a powerful work happening !

-I need His wisdom to be the loudest voice right now. His truth washing over my wounds right now.

-I declare I don't have to understand, I just have to trust !



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