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It's Not Suppose To Be This Way finding unexpected strength when disappointment leave you shattered

by Lysa Terkeurst

I've started reading this amazing book and I'm starting a small group study in January as well as participating in an on-line study in January that anyone can join. I hope that after you enjoy some of my favorite portions of what I have read so far, you are encouraged to purchase the book at Proverbs 31 ministries and join the January study. May God bless your heart as you continue to read my posts.

Introduction: My favorite points

-We will be victorious because Jesus is victorious ( 1 Cor. 15:57; But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our LORD Jesus Christ.). And victorious people were never meant to settle for normal. - What if a bigger part of being victorious is how well we live today? Not just how things will turn out in the future ...

- I/we MUST tie my/our hope to the very heart of God !

Chapter 1: Between two Gardens

-Sometimes to get your life back you have to face the death of what you thought your life would be like.

- We will only see our disappointment and frustrations as good, if we trust the heart of the Giver. ( God)

-If the enemy can isolate us, he can influence us

-Remember the Bible starts with the book of Genesis, set in the first garden of Eden, But never forget, it ends with Eden restored in the last chapters of Revelation, the last book. ( Rev. 21:3-5, "...… I am making everything new ! " )

-To wrestle well means to acknowledge my feelings but ,moving forward, letting my faith lead the way.

- We must learn to live and love in the imperfect rhythms of our clunky humanity....

- But if God's symphony continues to play loud and strong as the ultimate soundtrack of our lives, we will sense how to get back on track. We will feel how to get back in rhythm. We will hear how to get back in tune.

-I wrestle well with the song, because I'm not left on my own to hold it together !

Look for chapters 2-4 tomorrow (tomorrow, 12/9) evening !



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