I love to read and I love to share what I read with people around me. A dear friend of mine and I do monthly studies and this time around we decided to read , highlight and discuss it's okay NOT TO BE OKAY. I would like to take you on this journey with us. I will take time throughout each month to highlight my favorite parts of the book and pray that it nudges your heart closer to God and his abundance for you.
Chapter 1-3;
* "What about believing that all things work together for the good of those who love God ?"
*"No barrier between me and God, naked in my emotions."
* "He wants to move into our hearts and our homes, our minds and our struggles. He wants to be everything."
* " My grace is all you need …" ( 2 Cor. 12:8-9) " Grace to help in time of need."
*" It's a choice, a commitment to change."
*" It was time for me to be open to whatever the next season of life might hold."
*"God never rushes us through our pain but sits with us for as long as it takes."
* " It's amazing what God will do with a broken life if you give him the pieces."
*" Never doubt for a moment that God is in control."
* " Radical new way of thinking."
*" If we want to change how we act, we have to change how we think."
* " Christ wants you to be free, free to live your crazy, beautiful life."
* " Renewing of our minds is a beautiful joint work between our commitment to become more like Christ and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit working in us. "
* "It's about being honest with yourself and where you are adn then taking a step forward."
Thank you Jesus for Shelia Walsh's heart , may her words transform our hearts.
